To be known by Jesus is to be where He is. By Erika Capellupo
The Word your God ‘becomes’ your light, His kingdom. By Erika Capellupo
His kingdom of day is His light, His glory, back unto Himself. By Erika Capellupo
Sin snuffed out your light, the Word as your God. By Erika Capellupo
Yahweh ‘to become,’ ‘became’ Yeshua, Jesus. By Erika Capellupo
Everything ‘became’ through the Word of God, His Name is Jesus. By Erika Capellupo
Yahweh ‘to become’ your God will ‘become’ Jesus. By Erika Capellupo
“I become -Who- I become,” exists now, “I - I AM,” the Word your God. By Erika Capellupo
“I - I AM” has a day ‘to become’ Judge. By Erika Capellupo
Hearing the Word is your beginning. By Erika Capellupo
Seeing the Word as your God. By Erika Capellupo
Enter into the Gate by hearing; follow the Shepherd by seeing. By Erika Capellupo
The Word of God is a seed to be planted unto your journey. By Erika Capellupo
Hearing the Word of His covenant, to see His kingdom. By Erika Capellupo
Spirit, soul, and body, the image of Christ. By Erika Capellupo
Christ’s resurrection to resurrect your spirit, soul, and body. By Erika Capellupo
Remember, through the Word, your spirit, soul, and body ‘became’ and are ransomed back to His light. By Erika Capellupo
Your body prepared unto Him for a Sabbath ‘to become.’ By Erika Capellupo
The promise of the Father to clothe you with His Spirit to take you into the will of Him. By Erika Capellupo
Disobedience in eating the word of Satan produced sin in mankind exposing nakedness which can only be clothed by Jesus’ righteousness. By Erika Capellupo
No longer walk in the law of sin and death, but be clothed in the law of the Spirit of life to walk in His righteous commands. By Erika Capellupo
The Word upon you to clothe you by His Spirit, releasing your spirit, relit in Him, to walk in His righteous salvation. By Erika Capellupo
Staying awake and sober clothed in His Spirit, and heeding to the will of His covenant keeping you blameless before His coming. By Erika Capellupo
To follow the Lord is to love Jesus and walk in His Spirit being led into His will entering into the wedding. By Erika Capellupo
Christ’s clothing is His Spirit upon Him. By Erika Capellupo
To be clothed in bright white garments is to see where He shall passover you within heaven on the Lord’s day while wrath ‘becomes’ on the earth. By Erika Capellupo
For the God of old is the same God today watching over His everlasting covenants into His reward from the beginning, set as a Sabbath for those who are faithful to follow the Word their God. By Erika Capellupo
Abiding within Jesus is to eat His flesh and drink His blood into an everlasting covenant prepared since the foundation of the earth in which Yahweh Yeshua fulfills His law though His Word and Spirit within you and upon you …
From the beginning the Word was God, to ‘become’ your God, into an established kingdom since the seventh day of creation known to Him as a Sabbath rest with His people through their obedience unto His voice because of their …
Lord God Jesus will not know that which is not lit! Have your lamp and oil, too; you must keep burning! Be girded and watching as a treasure storehouse of gold refined in the fire unto Him. Where He is, there …
For one enters through Christ and is led by Him into an everlasting covenant into His kingdom. Begin His journey at ‘Episode 1 Where’ and follow Him all the way through to His end, ‘Episode 29 Obedience Rest.’ You must f…