Focus In

There was a time in my life after my three children were born that I heard His Name within me, and it consumed me...

I sat at my desk in the midst of life’s busy work one day, and I said to Jesus, “Okay, so just tell me... Who are you? Some say You are God, and others say no. Whatever it is, just tell me, and I will believe it!”

For, I knew and believed He was the Son of God, was born of the virgin birth, died for our sins, and rose again. But, that was it!

It wasn’t enough. I was lukewarm! I walked NOT in His covenant.

The Lord was long suffering, and then the time came and He called me. I opened the door. Jesus came in and revealed Himself to me in His Word in a covenant relationship that forever changed how I see everything!

“Focus In” is a journey in His Word, the Bible, revealing the depths of Lord God Jesus, the depths of you created in His image, the depths of His kingdom of light, and how He restores His kingdom through His Word and Spirit back unto Himself within His covenant.

Woe to those who are blind and naked!

But, blessed are those whose garments are white and clean, for they have seen their Father.

~ Erika Capellupo